Performance of miltichannel randon acess protocols for high-speed networks고속 통신망용 다중 체널 랜덤 액세스 프로토콜의 성능분석에 관한 연구

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The main objectives of this dissertation are to analyze Markov models of the multichannel carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (MCSMA/CD) and the multichannel random token protocols, and to investigate their priority schemes and voice/data integration in the random token protocol. It is well known that in a broadcast system the channel capacity is inversely proportional to the increasing ratio of the end-to-end propagation delay to the packet transmission time. With high transmission rates, the packet transmission time becomes small, and thus this ratio increases dramatically. As a result, the introduction of high bandwidth channel into a broadcast system may result in only a marginal increase in the actual network capacity. To solve this problem in a high-speed broadcast system and to use current access protocols, we adopted a multiple channel configuration. We first developed semi-Markov models of the two protocols and obtained the throughput and delay performances of the systems using those two multichannel random access protocols. We used the nonpersistent CSMA/CD protocol for a multichannel system and considered four channel selection schemes. We also considered the effects of destination conflicts. We showed that the delay-throughput performance of MCSMA/CD is the best when the idle channel selection scheme is used among the four channel selection schemes. We also showed that the performance degradation due to destination conflicts becomes significant as the load increases and more channels are used. To prevent he performance degradation due to destination conflicts we introduced conflict detection and multiple reception, and showed that the performance is enhanced with conflict detection or multiple reception. The choice between conflict detection and multiple reception is a function of cost and performance. In addition, we considered the optimal number of channels that gives the best performance for a given system configuration. It was...
Un, Chong-Kwanresearcher은종관researcher
한국과학기술원 : 전기 및 전자공학과,
Issue Date
61531/325007 / 000855131

학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 전기 및 전자공학과, 1990.8, [ xiii, 204 p. ]

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