Distributed repeater systems in WCDMA cellular networks광 대역 코드분할 다중접속 셀룰라 네트워크에서 분산 중계기 시스템

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Distributed antenna systems (known as MIMO systems) have recently been spotlighted for WCDMA networks and next-generation cellular networks. The most attractive benefits of distributed antenna systems are the enhancement of system capacity and service coverage as well as the reduction of deployment costs. In this dissertation, we focus on the way distributed repeater systems (which are similar to distributed antenna systems) enhance the capacity of WCDMA cellular networks. By introducing the novel architectures of the distributed repeater system, we can enhance the ratio of other-cell interference to the serving cell other-user interference and the orthogonality factor. As a result, we can acquire a higher data rate between a base station or a repeater station and a mobile station with given radio resources. We also present equations of the output power allocation that is needed for a base station and each repeater station to maintain a constant hexagonal cell shape. Next we examine the capacity gains of the proposed distributed repeater system networks through numerical analysis under multi-cell environments. The numerical results indicate that the proposed distributed repeater system architectures render a significant improvement in capacity through reduced interference ratios and the improved orthogonality factor. The primary contribution of this dissertation is the development of the novel architectures of the distributed repeater system without coverage holes or excessive coverage overlap. The development is achieved with dynamic power allocation equations in a multi-cellular environment. We quantify the system capacity and performance of the proposed distributed repeater systems and show that from a practical standpoint the proposed distributed repeater system is an effective solution for enhancing the capacity of WCDMA cellular networks.
Myung, Noh-Hoonresearcher명로훈researcher
한국과학기술원 : 전기및전자공학전공,
Issue Date
295423/325007  / 020045232

학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 전기및전자공학전공, 2008.2, [ ix, 118 p. ]


Distributed Repeater System; WCDMA; MIMO; DARI; UARI; 분산 중계기 시스템; 광 대역 코드분할 다중접속; 다중입력 다중출력; 하향링크 평균 다른셀 간섭 대 자기셀 다른사용자 간섭 비; 상향링크 평균 다른셀 간섭 대 자기셀 다른사용자 간섭 비; Distributed Repeater System; WCDMA; MIMO; DARI; UARI; 분산 중계기 시스템; 광 대역 코드분할 다중접속; 다중입력 다중출력; 하향링크 평균 다른셀 간섭 대 자기셀 다른사용자 간섭 비; 상향링크 평균 다른셀 간섭 대 자기셀 다른사용자 간섭 비

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