In recent tunneling projects, encounters with multi-layered strata have become more frequent as the desired scale of tunneling increases. Despite substantial practical experience, the design of large-diameter shield-driven tunnels often simplifies the surrounding ground as uniform, overlooking the complexities introduced by non-uniform geotechnical factors. This study comparatively analyzed the influence of design factors, particularly segment stiffness and joint parameters, on segmental lining behavior in layered ground conditions using numerical methods. A comprehensive parametric study revealed the significant impact of deformative interaction between the lining and the soft top soil layer on overall tunnel behavior. Permitting lining deformation in thesoft soil layer effectively mitigated the induced internal forces but resulted in considerable tunnel lining convergence, adopting a peanut-shaped appearance. From a practical design perspective, application of a soft segment with lower stiffness near the stiff soil layer is an economically advantageous approach, alleviating internal forces within an acceptable convergence level. Notably, around the interfaces between soil layers with different stiffnesses, the induced internal forcesin the lining were minimized based on joint rotational stiffness and location. This indicates the possibility of achieving an optimal design for segmental lining joints under layered ground conditions. Additionally, a preliminary design method was proposed, which sequentially optimizes parameters for joints located near soil layer interfaces. Subsequently, a specialized design based on the proposed method for complex multi-layered strata was compared with a conventional design. The results confirmed that the internal force was effectively relieved at an allowable lining deflection level