Alleviating the low-battery experience of mobile users through heterogeneous batteries and their scheduling배터리 혼용 시스템과 배터리 스케줄링을 통한 모바일 사용자들의 배터리 부족 경험 완화

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Mobile devices like smartphones have become deeply ingrained in our lives and are now truly essential. Therefore, mobile users experience a lot of stress when the battery of their devices is low. Notably, it is reported that mobile users suffer symptoms such as low battery anxiety and nomophobia (no mobile phone phobia) when they experience low battery. Despite the physical advance of an existing single-cell battery system, mobile users are still suffering from low battery anxiety and nomophobia. With a careful analysis of users’ battery usage behavior collected for 19,855 hours, we propose a heterogeneous battery system, MixMax, consisting of three complementary battery types tailored to minimizing the low battery time. While composing a heterogeneous battery system opens up a chance to simultaneously improve the capacity and the charging speed, one must face non-trivial challenges to determine the ratio of enclosed batteries and charge/discharge policies during the run-time. They are not only difficult to design due to the complex behavior of mixing batteries, but also, there are almost infinite candidates for the choice to design them. MixMax gracefully unwinds the complexities as it formulates the decision-making problem into an optimization problem and decomposes it into multiple sub-problems instead. To evaluate MixMax, we fabricate coin-cell batteries and experiment with them to model an accurate battery emulator which sophisticatedly reproduces the dynamics of battery systems. Our experimental results demonstrate that MixMax can reduce the low battery time by $24.6%$ without compromising capacity, volume, weight, and more importantly, users’ battery usage behavior. Additionally, by classifying users based on their battery usage patterns and providing a customized MixMax to each user cluster, the customized MixMax is able to reduce battery shortage time by up to $36.1%$. Lastly, we prototype MixMax on a smartphone, presenting the practicality of MixMax on mobile systems.
한국과학기술원 :전산학부,
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학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 전산학부, 2024.2,[iii, 51 p. :]


모바일 시스템▼a이종 배터리 시스템▼a배터리 관리 시스템▼a배터리 부족 불안▼a노모포비아▼a유저 경험▼a배터리 스케줄링▼a배터리 모델링; Mobile system▼aheterogeneous battery system▼abattery management system▼alow-battery anxiety▼anomophobia▼auser experience▼abattery scheduling▼aattery modeling

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