Studies on alkyne hydrolysis by platinum catalyst백금 촉매에 의한 알카인 가수분해에 관한 연구.

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The ability of Platinum catalysts to effect atom-economic transformations has led to a marked increase in their utilization. The quite remarkable correlation of their catalytic behavior with the available structural data, coordination chemistry, and organometallic reactivity patterns, including relativistic effects, allows the underlying principles of catalytic carbophilic activation by π acids to be formulated. The spectrum of reactivity extends beyond their utility as catalytic and benign alternatives to conventional stoichiometric π acid. The resulting reactivity profile allows this entire field of catalysis to be rationalized, and brings together the apparently disparate electrophilic metal carbene and non classical carbocation explanations. Using the advances in coupling, cycloisomerization, and structural reorganization-from the design of new transformations to the important to known reactions- we performed several type of experiments. First of all, we modified enyne system by introducing epoxide group instead of olefin to investigate cyclization system because ketone or alcohol was used as nucleophiles but no one applied epoxide group as a nucleophile. So we carried out researches on that and we got a product which was totally different from what we expected before we did it. It led us to explore its mechanism and the unique character of Platinum species. Second, we conducted researches on transformation from alkyne to other functional group such as ketone, aldehyde and acetal. In order to compare the reactivity of the transition metal, we applied other metals such as gold comlex. Indium or Gallium complex as well. In the next part, we studied about Biginelli reaction, one of the most useful multicomponent reactions, offers an efficient way to access multifunctioanlized 3,4-dihydropyrimidine-2-(1H)-ones and related heterocyclic compounds. Polyfunctionalized dihydropyrimidines (DHPMs) represent a heterocyclic system of remarkable pharmacological...
Lee, Hee-Yoonresearcher이희윤researcher
한국과학기술원 : 화학과,
Issue Date
308940/325007  / 020073384

학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 화학과, 2009.2, [ vii, 127 p. ]


alkynophilicity; platinum catalyst; hydrolysis; enantioselective Biginelli; proline catalyst; 알카이노필리시티; 백금촉매; 가수분해; 입체선택적 비기넬리; 프로린 촉매; alkynophilicity; platinum catalyst; hydrolysis; enantioselective Biginelli; proline catalyst; 알카이노필리시티; 백금촉매; 가수분해; 입체선택적 비기넬리; 프로린 촉매

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