Statistical model calibration considering identifiability under insufficient data environment불충분한 데이터 환경하에서 식별성을 고려한 통계적 모델보정

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The reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) using computer-aided engineering (CAE) simulations is a significant methodology for solving engineering problems. However, combining reliability analysis and optimization algorithms can lead to cost and time inefficiencies, and also accurate distribution modeling of input variables is necessary beforehand. Since the accuracy of the simulation model depends on the model parameters used, improving the accuracy of the simulation model involves calibrating the model parameters to minimize differences from observed output data. Although statistical model calibration (SMC) methods are being actively studied to overcome the limitations of the existing deterministic approach, these methods can face problems due to a limited amount of data and the problem of identifiability. To address these issues, this dissertation proposes a framework that can use all available input and output data for statistical model calibration to improve identifiability under an insufficient data environment. The proposed framework uses the Bayesian approach, where a prior distribution estimation step is followed by a posterior distribution estimation step. The calibration domain is moved from the existing model parameter domain to the statistical parameter domain of the model parameters to enable conservative estimation. Even in the case of an unidentifiable problem, the input data is reflected in the model calibration process to improve identifiability. Optimization-based model calibration (OBMC) is performed using the sample-averaged log-likelihood as a calibration metric, with the copula function used to characterize the model parameters as a multivariate probability distribution. Finally, the statistical model validation (SMV) of the estimated distribution also includes the concept of leave-p-out cross-validation (LpOCV), which takes into account the lack of data and ensures that the variability of the given data is reflected in the validation results. This approach complements the existing hypothesis testing utilizing the u-pooling metric and enables a quantitative comparison of the performance of the proposed model calibration algorithm. Various numerical examples confirm that the proposed methods effectively estimate the distribution of model parameters, even in a data-insufficient environment, while improving identification.
한국과학기술원 :기계공학과,
Issue Date

학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 기계공학과, 2023.8,[x, 99 p. :]


통계적 모델보정▼a불확실성 정량화▼a식별성▼a베이지안 추정▼a코퓰라▼a최적화 기반 모델보정▼a샘플평균 로그가능도▼a조건부독립▼a통계적 모델검정▼a교차검증; Statistical model calibration (SMC)▼aUncertainty quantification▼aIdentifiability▼aBayesian inference▼aCopula▼aOptimization-based model calibration (OBMC)▼aSample-averaged log-likelihood▼aConditional independence▼aStatistical model validation (SMV)▼aCross-validation

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