Triggering financial activities using mobile communication in developing country개발도상국에서 이동통신을 이용한 금융활동 트리거

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sending text reminders on the previous day to the due date with the amount of money and ten days before the due without the amount of money increases the chances of borrowers' intention to pay in contrast with sending them ten days before the due date with the amount of money of the payment. Also, the borrowers who received ten days before the due without the amount of money show that their intention to pay behavior stayed long in the post-treatment period due to their strong self-control capability. Our paper is the first in IS literature to show the role of performance ambiguity empirically and to associate the ambiguity with antecedents derived from construal-level theory. Besides, it advises that considering the when, where, and how of mobile targeting strategies is vital and designing mobile text message reminders prudently, how microfinance can mitigate default risks. Therefore, policymakers can benefit from developing a practical policy for mobile applications by considering the contextual factors we proposed.; The dissertation aims to thoroughly understand the role of information communication in changing customer behavior regarding loan repayment default and continued intention to use difficulties via a mobile phone application. The first study is regarding how the construal level, e.g., abstracted or concreted, of a customer, affects the performance ambiguity of mobile banking and, consequently, the willingness of mobile banking in developing countries. We investigated the lack of active mobile banking users in developing countries. We utilized a performance ambiguity construct that induces less trust in the application and less continuous intention to use. The performance ambiguity is affected by perceptions of how much the users believed they reduced the time and walking distance from the mobile banking compared to traditional banking (offline banking hereafter) and how similarly the user perceived the mobile banking application to the experience of other applications. Results indicate that the more concrete users feel about the mobile banking experience, the less ambiguity the users may perceive the benefit, the more trust, and the higher willingness to use the application. Our further analysis shows that performance ambiguity significantly reduces the positive impact of trust in technology on the continuous intention to use and performance ambiguity varies depending on psychological distances. The second study is about how financial nudging with text messages changes the behavior of microfinance borrowers. This study is the first to test the impact of financial nudging on microfinance borrowers. Focuses on how text message reminders reduce repayment default in microfinance. We use timing and information to test how psychological distance determines a consumer's response to text message reminders for loan payments. The results showed a positive relationship
한국과학기술원 :글로벌디지털혁신대학원,
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학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 글로벌디지털혁신대학원, 2023.8,[x, 84 p. :]


해석 수준 이론▼a성능 모호성▼a모바일 뱅킹▼a소액 금융▼a대출 상환 불이행▼a자제; Construal level theory▼aPerformance ambiguity▼aMobile banking▼aMicrofinance▼aLoan repayment default▼aSelf-control

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