Empirical studies on the adoption and post-adoption behaviors towards ICT in education: comparative studies in developing countries교육정보통신기술 도입 및 도입 후 행태에 관한 실증연구: 개발도상국 비교연구

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While the adoption and continued use of information and communications technology (ICT) for teaching have received much attention, most instructors are reluctant to adopt and continue the use of it, particularly in developing countries. This dissertation examines the overall adoption and post-adoption behaviors of vocational education and training instructors toward ICT in Ethiopia and Tanzania. The dissertation is divided into two essays. Essay one is aimed to examine factors impacting instructors’ adoption and use. Essay two is designed to understand factors impacting the post-adoption behaviors toward ICT use for teaching purposes. An online survey was conducted in 10 polytechnic colleges of both countries to collect data from instructors to achieve our research objectives. A total of 370 valid responses (195 from Ethiopia and 175 from Tanzania instructors) were obtained for the analysis. This study employed two research models: The UTAUT2 model, and the Technology Continuance Theory (TCT) to examine factors affecting instructors’ ICT adoption and their continuance intention to use ICT respectively. Both models were substantially extended with new constructs, and empirically tested with PLS-SEM (Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling) using the smart PLS 3.0 version. Findings revealed that instructors' ICT adoption and use is significantly impacted by effort expectancy, performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, social influence, hedonic motivation, habit, top management support, and behavioral intentions. The multigroup analysis shows facilitating conditions and behavioral intentions differ in impact in both countries. Regarding the continuance intention, we found that digital literacy, self-efficacy, attitude, perceived usefulness, satisfaction, expectation confirmation, and perceived ease of use significantly impact instructors’ continuance intention to use ICT. Besides, the impact of attitude and perceived usefulness on continuance intention differ in both countries’ respondents. In conclusion, findings of both studies provide an insight for the education sector particularly TVET to understand the overall adoption and the post -adoption behaviors of instructors towards ICT from developing countries perspective.
한국과학기술원 :글로벌디지털혁신대학원,
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학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 글로벌디지털혁신대학원, 2023.8,[ix, 91 p. :]


ICT▼a직업교육훈련강사▼a입양▼a계속의도▼a비교연구; ICT▼aVocational education and training instructors▼aAdoption▼aContinuance intention▼aComparative study

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