The use of microwave hybrid heating (MHH) in the domain of low-temperature joining offers a significant advantage of providing uniform heating which is not often found in conventional welding techniques. This work presents the first use of an embedded susceptor of MHH. The objective of this research was to examine the effects of different susceptor mass and exposure time on the interface morphology, shear strength, and fracture morphology of the joint. As a result, this study provides valuable and original insights that contribute to the progress of MHH technology. The specimens subjected to heating for a duration of 1 min, with the addition of 0.2 g and 0.4 g of embedded graphite susceptor, exhibited shear strengths of 43.4 MPa and 42.4 MPa, respectively. The application of heat resulted in a reduction in the strengths of the specimens to 37.3 MPa and 22.5 MPa respectively, after a duration of 4 min. The embedded structure of MHH demonstrated a significantly faster rate of warming when compared to the standard structure, enabling it to achieve a favorable joint within 60 s.