STButton: Exploring Opportunities for Buttons with Spatio-Temporal Tactile Output

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We present STButton, a physical button with a high-resolution spatio-temporal tactile feedback surface. The 5 x 8 pin array tactile display size of 20mm x 28mm enables buttons to express various types of information, such as value with the number of raised pins, direction with the location of raised pins, and duration of time with blinking animation. With a highly expressive tactile surface, the button can seamlessly transfer assistive feedforward and feedback during spontaneous button interaction, such as touching to locate the button or applying gradual pressure to press the button. In the demonstration, attendees experience five scenarios of button interaction: the seat heater button on a car, the volume control button on a remote controller, the power button on a laptop, the menu button on a VR controller, and the play button on a game controller. In each scenario, the representative role of tactile feedback is configured differently, allowing attendees to experience the rich interaction space and potential benefits of STButton. Early accessed attendees appreciated the unique opportunity to transfer information with a highly expressive tactile surface and emphasized that STButton adds a tangible layer to the user experience, enhancing emotional and sensory engagement.
Association for Computing Machinery
Issue Date

2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Sytems, CHI EA 2024

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CS-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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