Prediction of metabolites associated with somatic mutations in cancers by using genome-scale metabolic models and mutation data

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BackgroundOncometabolites, often generated as a result of a gene mutation, show pro-oncogenic function when abnormally accumulated in cancer cells. Identification of such mutation-associated metabolites will facilitate developing treatment strategies for cancers, but is challenging due to the large number of metabolites in a cell and the presence of multiple genes associated with cancer development.ResultsHere we report the development of a computational workflow that predicts metabolite-gene-pathway sets. Metabolite-gene-pathway sets present metabolites and metabolic pathways significantly associated with specific somatic mutations in cancers. The computational workflow uses both cancer patient-specific genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) and mutation data to generate metabolite-gene-pathway sets. A GEM is a computational model that predicts reaction fluxes at a genome scale and can be constructed in a cell-specific manner by using omics data. The computational workflow is first validated by comparing the resulting metabolite-gene pairs with multi-omics data (i.e., mutation data, RNA-seq data, and metabolome data) from acute myeloid leukemia and renal cell carcinoma samples collected in this study. The computational workflow is further validated by evaluating the metabolite-gene-pathway sets predicted for 18 cancer types, by using RNA-seq data publicly available, in comparison with the reported studies. Therapeutic potential of the resulting metabolite-gene-pathway sets is also discussed.ConclusionsValidation of the metabolite-gene-pathway set-predicting computational workflow indicates that a decent number of metabolites and metabolic pathways appear to be significantly associated with specific somatic mutations. The computational workflow and the resulting metabolite-gene-pathway sets will help identify novel oncometabolites and also suggest cancer treatment strategies.
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GENOME BIOLOGY, v.25, no.1

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CBE-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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