Synthesis of Gd-Fe garnet-based ceramic for immobilization of hydrous ferric oxide with actinide-containing waste악티나이드 폐기물과 HFO 고형화를 위한 Gd-Fe 석류석 세라믹 연구

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dc.contributor.advisorYun, Jong-Il-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Jinyoung-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 원자력및양자공학과, 2022.8,[vi, 69 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractLiquid waste generated in nuclear facilities has a large volume and is prone to leak into the environment so it should be immobilized in the physiochemically stable solid waste form before final disposal. Radionuclides in the liquid phase must be separated prior to the immobilization process. This study aims to investigate the removal efficiency of actinides from the liquid phase using iron-based inorganic adsorbent and immobilize actinides and iron into a durable matrix. Simulated liquid waste was prepared from uranium which is a representative actinide, and then uranium removal efficiency was evaluated using HFO (Hydrous ferric oxide) that amorphous iron hydroxide with a high specific surface area. As a result, HFO showed a high uranium removal efficiency near-neutral pH, and it was confirmed that the pH range where adsorption occurs is broadened when the temperature is increased through the adsorption experiments. Afterward, Gd-Fe garnet ceramic waste form was synthesized to immobilize previous residual waste. Cerium was used as a surrogate for actinides, and garnet was fabricated using cold pressing and conventional sintering method at 1375℃. Sintered pellet showed high relative density up to 95% of theoretical and a single garnet lattice accommodated 0.4 atoms of cerium to its structure. The leachability index from the result of ANSI/ANS-16.1 standard leach test to 3 components showed greater than 6 which is the waste acceptance criteria of KORAD and U.S. NRC. The PCT-A and MCC-1 tests were also performed and the leach rate of all components in deionized water was 10$^{-3}$~10$^{-6}$ g/m$^2$·day which indicates garnet has good leaching resistance.-
dc.subjectRadioactive waste management/disposal▼aVolume reduction▼aActinide▼aUranium▼aHydrous ferric oxide (HFO)▼aCeramic waste form▼aGarnet▼aLeaching test-
dc.subject방사성폐기물 처리/처분▼a부피 저감▼a악티나이드▼a우라늄▼aHFO▼a세라믹 고화체▼a석류석▼a침출 시험-
dc.titleSynthesis of Gd-Fe garnet-based ceramic for immobilization of hydrous ferric oxide with actinide-containing waste-
dc.title.alternative악티나이드 폐기물과 HFO 고형화를 위한 Gd-Fe 석류석 세라믹 연구-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :원자력및양자공학과,-
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