Augmenting equivalent mutant dataset using symbolic execution기호 실행을 이용한 동등 뮤턴트 데이터셋 보강

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dc.contributor.advisorYoo, Shin-
dc.contributor.authorChung, Seungjun-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 전산학부, 2022.8,[iv, 29 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractMutation testing aims to ensure that a test suite is capable of detecting real faults, by checking whether they can reveal (i.e., kill) small and arbitrary lexical changes made to the program (i.e., mutants). Some of these arbitrary changes may result in a mutant that is syntactically different but is semantically equivalent to the original program under test: such mutants are called equivalent mutants. Since program equivalence is undecidable in general, equivalent mutants pose a serious challenge to mutation testing. Given an unkilled mutant, it is not possible to automatically decide whether the cause is the weakness of test cases or the equivalence of the mutant. Recently machine learning has been adopted to train binary classification models for mutant equivalence. However, training such classification models requires a pool of equivalent mutants, the labelling for which involves a significant amount of human investigation. In this paper, we introduce two techniques that can be used to augment the equivalent mutant benchmarks. First, we propose a symbolic execution-based validation of mutant equivalence, instead of manual classification. Second, we introduce a synthesis technique for equivalent mutants: for a subset of mutation operators, the technique identifies potential mutation locations that are guaranteed to produce equivalent mutants. We compare these two techniques to MutantBench, a manually labelled equivalent mutant benchmark. For the 19 programs studied, MutantBench contains 462 equivalent mutants, whereas our technique is capable of generating 1,725 equivalent mutants automatically, of which 1,349 are new and unique. Also, our technique can generate 8,735 equivalent Higher Order Mutants. We further show that the majority of our generated equivalent mutants are not easily identifiable by TCE, a compiler equivalence based equivalent mutant detection technique, and that our augmentation can lead to more accurate equivalent mutant classification models.-
dc.subjectMutation Testing▼aEquivalent Mutant▼aSymbolic Execution▼aMachine Learning-
dc.subject뮤테이션 테스팅▼a동등 뮤턴트▼a기호 실행▼a기계 학습-
dc.titleAugmenting equivalent mutant dataset using symbolic execution-
dc.title.alternative기호 실행을 이용한 동등 뮤턴트 데이터셋 보강-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :전산학부,-
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