Hierarchical learning-based control system for agile locomotion of quadrupedal robots on discontinuous terrain불연속 지형에서 4족 보행 로봇의 민첩한 이동을 위한 계층적 학습 기반 제어 시스템

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dc.contributor.advisorHwangbo, Jemin-
dc.contributor.authorHwang, Seungyeon-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 기계공학과, 2022.8,[iii, 26 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents a hierarchical control framework that enables agile locomotion in a quadrupedal robot on discontinuous terrain. The first part introduces a hierarchical motor control strategy that supports an importable learning-based controller. This method helps the neural network trained in the simulation environment be easily used in real robots. The second part presents a technique for training a control policy with hierarchical reinforcement learning to overcome the stepping stone environment. To this end, the controller is hierarchically composed of a low-level controller trained for jumping locomotion and a high-level controller trained for jumping commands. A fixed gap test and a variable gap test are used for verification in a simulation. As a result, the hierarchical learning controller overcame a gap of up to 0.73 m in the fixed gap test. Also, in the variable gap test, the controller achieved a gap of 0~0.33 m with a 90% success rate and a gap of 0~0.5 m with a 70% success rate.-
dc.subjectHierarchical reinforcement learning▼aRobotic control systems▼aQuadrupedal robots▼aDiscontinuous terrain▼aStepping stones-
dc.subject계층적 강화학습▼a로봇 제어 시스템▼a4족 보행 로봇▼a불연속 지형▼a징검다리-
dc.titleHierarchical learning-based control system for agile locomotion of quadrupedal robots on discontinuous terrain-
dc.title.alternative불연속 지형에서 4족 보행 로봇의 민첩한 이동을 위한 계층적 학습 기반 제어 시스템-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :기계공학과,-
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