Evaluation of vulnerable pedestrian potential risk at intersection based on predicted arrival time using deep learning methods딥러닝 기반 도착 시간 예측 기술을 활용한 교차로 취약 보행자의 잠재적 위험성 평가

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dc.contributor.advisorYeo, Hwasoo-
dc.contributor.authorLin, Tengfeng-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 건설및환경공학과, 2022.8,[v, 68 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractPedestrian safety is one of the most pressing transportation concerns around the world. Furthermore, vulnerable users suffer from a higher fatality rate than standard pedestrians. However, there is no data to clarify the pedestrian categories in fatal and nonfatal accidents. Currently, real-time detection of vulnerable users using advanced traffic sensors installed at the intersection has great potential to improve traffic safety significantly. This study develops a framework to evaluate the vulnerable pedestrian potential risk based on a new safety indicator, Predicted Pedestrian Arrival Time (PPAT), using deep learning method. With automated computer vision techniques, mobility features of vehicles and pedestrians can be extracted from video and Lidar datasets. With the algorithm based on pedestrian behavior and physical feature, we can identify vulnerable pedestrians. Deep learning methods(GRU, LSTM, Transformer) are performed to predict the time needed to reach a specific location. Finally, systematic warning systems for vulnerable pedestrian potential risk are designed based on the predicted arrival time. Case study at signalize intersection with Lidar dataset and case study non-signalized intersection with video dataset are performed with this framework. The proposed framework shows high performance in evaluating the vulnerable pedestrian potential risk with 86.59\% accuracy.-
dc.subjectPedestrian safety▼aVulnerable pedestrian▼aDeep learning▼aArrival time prediction▼aSurrogate safety measurement▼aPedestrian potential risk estimation-
dc.subject보행자 안전▼a취약한 보행자▼a딥러닝▼a도착 시간 예측▼a대리 안전 측정▼a보행자 잠재적 위험 추정-
dc.titleEvaluation of vulnerable pedestrian potential risk at intersection based on predicted arrival time using deep learning methods-
dc.title.alternative딥러닝 기반 도착 시간 예측 기술을 활용한 교차로 취약 보행자의 잠재적 위험성 평가-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :건설및환경공학과,-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorLin Tengfeng-
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