Anodic SnO2 Nanoporous Structure Decorated with Cu2O Nanoparticles for Sensitive Detection of Creatinine: Experimental and DFT Study

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Advanced anodic SnO2 nanoporous structures decorated with Cu2O nanoparticles (NPs) were employed for creatinine detection. Anodization of electropolished Sn sheets in 0.3 M aqueous oxalic acid electrolyte under continuous stirring produced complete open top, crack-free, and smooth SnO2 nanoporous structures. Structural analyses confirm the high purity of rutile SnO2 with successful functionalization of Cu2O NPs. Morphological studies revealed the formation of self-organized and highly-ordered SnO2 nanopores, homogeneously decorated with Cu2O NPs. The average diameter of nanopores is similar to 35 nm, while the average Cu2O particle size is similar to 23 nm. Density functional theory results showed that SnO2@Cu2O hybrid nanostructures are energetically favorable for creatinine detection. The hybrid nanostructure electrode exhibited an ultra-high sensitivity of around 24343 mu A mM-1 cm-2 with an extremely lower detection limit of similar to 0.0023 mu M, a fast response time (less than 2 s), and wide linear detection ranges of 2.5-45 mu M and 100 mu M to 15 mM toward creatinine. This is ascribed to the creation of highly active surface sites as a result of Cu2O NP functionalization, SnO2 band gap diminution, and the formation of heterojunction and Cu(1)/Cu(ll)-creatinine complexes through secondary amines which occur in the creatinine structure. The real-time analysis of creatinine in blood serum by the fabricated electrode evinces the practicability and accuracy of the biosensor with reference to the commercially existing creatinine sensor. The proposed biosensor demonstrated excellent stability, reproducibility, and selectivity, which reflects that the SnO2@Cu2O nanostructure is a promising candidate for the non-enzymatic detection of creatinine.
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ACS OMEGA, v.7, no.46, pp.42377 - 42395

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NE-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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