Differentiable Appearance Acquisition from a Flash/No-flash RGB-D Pair

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Reconstructing 3D objects in natural environments requires solving the ill-posed problem of geometry, spatially-varying material, and lighting estimation. As such, many approaches impractically constrain to a dark environment, use controlled lighting rigs, or use few handheld captures but suffer reduced quality. We develop a method that uses just two smartphone exposures captured in ambient lighting to reconstruct appearance more accurately and practically than baseline methods. Our insight is that we can use a flash/no-flash RGB-D pair to pose an inverse rendering problem using point lighting. This allows efficient differentiable rendering to optimize depth and normals from a good initialization and so also the simultaneous optimization of diffuse environment illumination and SVBRDF material. We find that this reduces diffuse albedo error by 25%, specular error by 46%, and normal error by 30% against singleand paired-image baselines that use learning-based techniques. Given that our approach is practical for everyday solid objects, we enable photorealistic relighting for mobile photography and easier content creation for augmented reality.
Issue Date

International Conference on Computational Photography, ICCP 2022

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CS-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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