Mobile-Friendly Content Design for MOOCs: Challenges, Requirements, and Design Opportunities

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Most video-based learning content is designed for desktops without considering mobile environments. We (1) investigate the gap between mobile learners' challenges and video engineers' considerations using mixed methods and (2) provide design guidelines for creating mobile-friendly MOOC videos. To uncover learners' challenges, we conducted a survey (n=134) and interviews (n=21), and evaluated the mobile adequacy of current MOOCs by analyzing 41,722 video frames from 101 video lectures. Interview results revealed low readability and situationally-induced impairments as major challenges. The content analysis showed a low guideline compliance rate for key design factors. We then interviewed 11 video production engineers to investigate design factors they mainly consider. The engineers mainly focus on the size and amount of content while lacking consideration for color, complex images, and situationally-induced impairments. Finally, we present and validate guidelines for designing mobile-friendly MOOCs, such as providing adaptive and customizable visual design and context-aware accessibility support.
Association for Computing Machinery
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2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2022

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CS-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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