System integration design based on parametric study of solid fuel in hydrogen peroxide hybrid rocket과산화수소 하이브리드 로켓의 고체연료 요소 설계를 기반으로 한 시스템 통합 설계

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dc.contributor.advisorKwon, Sejin-
dc.contributor.authorYun, Yongtae-
dc.description학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 항공우주공학과, 2021.2,[xi, 120 p :]-
dc.description.abstractIn this study, the effect of changes in the port diameter, length, and activation energy of solid fuel on rocket performance was investigated to propose the design points of the solid fuel for hybrid rockets based on hydrogen peroxide and high-density polyethylene propellants. Moreover, a numerical estimation code was developed based on the regression rate equation derived from the experiments, and the developed code was assessed for the effectiveness of the multiport solid fuel design and the scale effect by comparing the estimation and experimental results. Based on the parametric study of the solid fuel and numerical estimation code, a hybrid propulsion system with different scales was designed, and design modification for the multiport solid fuel of the 1000-N class hybrid rocket applied to a Woorisae-II sounding rocket was also performed. Small sounding rockets of different scales were designed by integrating the hybrid propulsion system, recovery system with spring control, and rocket avionics. Based on the performance data derived through numerical estimation, a six-degree-of-freedom trajectory simulation was performed to predict the altitude reached by the rocket.-
dc.subjectHydrogen peroxide▼aHybrid rocket▼aNumerical estimation▼aSounding rocket▼aRegression rate-
dc.subject과산화수소▼a하이브리드 로켓▼a내탄도 해석▼a과학 로켓▼a후퇴율-
dc.titleSystem integration design based on parametric study of solid fuel in hydrogen peroxide hybrid rocket-
dc.title.alternative과산화수소 하이브리드 로켓의 고체연료 요소 설계를 기반으로 한 시스템 통합 설계-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :항공우주공학과,-
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