Reference-based sketch image colorization using augmented-self reference and dense semantic correspondence증강된 자신 참조와 촘촘한 의미 연결을 이용한 참조 기반 밑그림 채색 연구

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dc.contributor.advisorChoo, Jaegul-
dc.contributor.authorLee, JunSoo-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : AI대학원, 2021.2,[iii, 23 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractThis paper tackles the automatic colorization task of a sketch image given an already-colored reference image. Colorizing a sketch image is in high demand in comics, animation, and other content creation applications, but it suffers from information scarcity of a sketch image. To address this, a reference image can render the colorization process in a reliable and user-driven manner. However, it is difficult to prepare for a training data set that has a sufficient amount of semantically meaningful pairs of images as well as the ground truth for a colored image reflecting a given reference (e.g., coloring a sketch of an originally blue car given a reference green car). To tackle this challenge, we propose to utilize the identical image with geometric distortion as a virtual reference, which makes it possible to secure the ground truth for a colored output image. Furthermore, it naturally provides the ground truth for dense semantic correspondence, which we utilize in our internal attention mechanism for color transfer from reference to sketch input. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in various types of sketch image colorization via quantitative as well as qualitative evaluation against existing methods.-
dc.subjectSketch Image Colorization▼aConditional Image Generation▼aExemplar-based Image Colorization▼aSelf-Supervised Learning-
dc.subject스케치 이미지 자동채색▼a조건부 이미지 생성▼a참조이미지 기반 이미지 자동채색▼a자가 학습 방법-
dc.titleReference-based sketch image colorization using augmented-self reference and dense semantic correspondence-
dc.title.alternative증강된 자신 참조와 촘촘한 의미 연결을 이용한 참조 기반 밑그림 채색 연구-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :AI대학원,-
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