In imparting wetting properties, a fabrication process without the addition of new compounds and deposition of coating layers would be the most desirable because it does not introduce additional complexities. Hence, the ion beam irradiation technique is used as it enables the chemistry of materials to be modified through simple adjustments of irradiation parameters such as the type of accelerated particles, beam energy, and fluence. In this study, the hydrophilicity of alumina surfaces was weakened by irradiating He ion beams of different energy levels (200 keV and 20 MeV). These transitions become more pronounced as the total beam fluence increases. In low-energy irradiation, the effect of irradiation is predominant near the surface, and hydrophilicity is weakened by the increase in carbon adsorption and suppression of dissociative adsorption of water molecules owing to the introduction of oxygen vacancies. In contrast, nuclear transmutations are induced by irradiation with high-energy beams. Consequently, fluorine is generated, and hydrophobic functional groups are formed on the surface. By varying the beam conditions, the wetting properties of the target ceramic can be controlled to the desired level, which is required in various industries, via appropriate adjustments of the beam parameters. In addition, the beam irradiation technique may be applicable to all ceramic materials, including lattice oxygen and alumina.