A simple one-step approach to producing a distributed feedback (DFB) laser through selective irradiation of the gain medium, MEH-PPV, is presented. Electron irradiation alters the refractive index of MEH-PPV, thus, direct patterning by electron irradiation can be applied to create a periodic diffraction grating. The non-irradiated regions of MEH-PPV serve as the primary gain medium, while the irradiated regions of MEH-PPV provide the refractive index difference required to fabricate a DFB laser. This method was successfully applied to achieve lasing with a relatively low lasing threshold of 3 kW/cm(2)or 1.8 mu J/cm(2) (pulse width: 600 ps). Furthermore, the lasing wavelength can be finely tuned by simply adjusting the grating period. In stark contrast to the simple one-step process described in this work, conventional procedures for the fabrication of DFB lasers involve multiple steps of varying complexity, including mold creation and careful coating of the substrate with the gain medium. (C) 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement