Continual learning method by estimating previous task gradient via Taylor approximation이전 테스크의 테일러 근사된 경사 예측을 통한 연속학습

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dc.contributor.advisorChung, SaeYoung-
dc.contributor.authorJeong, Jongwon-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 전기및전자공학부, 2020.8,[iv, 25 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractI address the gap between the regularization and memory based methods for mitigating catastrophic forgetting in the continual learning scenario. Memory based methods, especially experience replay(ER), store the few samples in the replay memory to use it later tasks. Many researches show that memory based approaches can easily achieve the state of the art performance, however, those methods still need to store samples from previous tasks, which violates the common assumption of continual learning problem. Although the regularization based methods can maintain this assumption, those methods still far from the state of the art performance. To mitigate this performance gap without stored samples, I study how to approximate ER methods directly, unlike the purpose of the regularization based methods. I choose the method to approximate previous task gradients by first-order Taylor approximation with the stored gradients and diagonal hessian values at final previous task parameter point. The result in the various data-sets shows that this approximation method can make better or comparable performance with the regularization-based methods, which use fixed neural network size and without stored examples.-
dc.subjectSequential Learning▼aContinual Learning▼aCatastrophic Forgetting▼aGradient Based Optimization▼aRegularization Method-
dc.subject순차적 학습▼a연속 학습▼a망각▼a경사하강도법▼a정규화 방법-
dc.titleContinual learning method by estimating previous task gradient via Taylor approximation-
dc.title.alternative이전 테스크의 테일러 근사된 경사 예측을 통한 연속학습-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :전기및전자공학부,-
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