온라인 토론의 부정에 대한 피드백 메시지에 대한 사용자의 반응 이해Understanding ㅕsers' reactions to feedback messages about incivility in online discussion

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dc.contributor.advisorKim, Juho-
dc.contributor.authorNaher, Jibon-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 전산학부, 2020.8,[iv, 26 :]-
dc.description.abstractA common problem of online discussion is harassment where harassment may be political, sexual, or racial. Existing moderation methods focus on detecting harassment contents and taking action when appropriate. In spite of the availability of different detection and moderation techniques, online harassment is not an issue which can be reduced easily. Mostly missing in the existing research is designing to encourage users in the behavior which align with the normative behavior of the community, and reduce uncivil content. In this work, I explore the potential of promoting civil commenting, by providing feedback messages to the user regarding the existence of incivility in user generated content-
dc.description.abstractand investigate user’s reaction and future posting behavior after the feedback message. How do users react if providing the machine learning output of having potential negative content in their post? How do different components of the feedback message affect users' reactions? Is there any positive effect in the future commenting behavior of sending these feedback messages? Analyzing the answers of the above questions can offer new opportunities to significantly reduce harassment content online, by proactively notifying users about the potential bad contents in their post. The result from this work, shows promising potential, which needs to investigate more in this aspect.-
dc.subjectOnline harassment▼aContent moderation▼aFeedback message▼aBehavior▼aToxicity-
dc.subject온라인 괴롭힘▼a콘텐츠 조정▼a피드백 메시지▼a행동▼a독성-
dc.title온라인 토론의 부정에 대한 피드백 메시지에 대한 사용자의 반응 이해-
dc.title.alternativeUnderstanding ㅕsers' reactions to feedback messages about incivility in online discussion-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :전산학부,-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthor나할 지번-
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