Designing screen peripheral for mediating children's screen time어린이 스크린 타임 규제를 돕기 위한 스크린 주변기기 디자인

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dc.contributor.advisorLee, Woohun-
dc.contributor.authorYim, Jee Bin-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 산업디자인학과, 2020.8,[v, 72 :]-
dc.description.abstractAs young children's screen time has significantly increased in recent years, their healthy use of digital media is a topic of interest. To support children's healthy screen use, we designed Romi, a screen peripheral with a friendly character. Romi aims to help children to transit from screen to out of the screen with minimum screen time withdrawal. To specify the design concept, we conducted the preliminary interview and ideation session focusing on screen time transition. Then we set the design criteria and attributes of physical presence, connection with the screen, and friendliness through character and designed Romi. To explore the influence of peripheral and its physicality, we conducted a user study with seven children and their parents. The result includes children's awareness of time, interest in screen time manipulation, emotional response from transitions, and peripheral presence. We discussed the influence of physicality and peripheral functions of Romi on children's screen time and design considerations for screen peripheral for supporting children's screen time. We believe that our design process and series of findings could contribute to suggesting motivation and inspiration for designing a physical device for mediating screen time.-
dc.subjectChild-computer interaction▼ascreen time▼ahealthy screen use▼ascreen peripheral▼amedia consumption-
dc.subject어린이 컴퓨터 상호작용▼a스크린 타임▼a건강한 미디어 사용▼a스크린 주변 기기▼a미디어 시청-
dc.titleDesigning screen peripheral for mediating children's screen time-
dc.title.alternative어린이 스크린 타임 규제를 돕기 위한 스크린 주변기기 디자인-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :산업디자인학과,-
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