First-principles study of the effects of the electrode-molecule contact configurations on the molecule diode device characteristics전극-분자 접합 구조의 분자 다이오드 소자 특성 영향에 대한 제 1 원리 연구

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dc.contributor.advisorKim, Yong-Hoon-
dc.contributor.authorYeo, Hyeonwoo-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 전기및전자공학부, 2019.8,[iv, 47 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractThough density functional theory (DFT)-based non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) formalism has been considered as the most general and powerful tools in terms of describing non-equilibrium state, it suffers from several short comings. In this thesis, we improve and verify our recently developed method based on a microcanonical picture that maps steady-state non-equilbrium statistics to drain-to-source excitation named multispace constrained density functional theory (MS-DFT). We heuristically settle the electron occupation rule for the non-equilibrium channel states by the excellent accordance between MS-DFT and DFT-NEGF results. Then, we study the correlations between the diode effects in single molecular junctions and the geometrical conformation of S–Au contact in which the atomistic understanding has been so far incomplete. We again carried out finite-bias first-principles quantum transport calculations based on MS-DFT with varying out the molecular core from insulating core to non-insulating one and find out the relationship between the rectification behavior of the junctions and the S–Au linkage coordination numbers.-
dc.subjectdensity functional theory▼anon-equilibrium Green's function▼amulti-space constrained density functional theory▼aquasi-fermi level▼aelectrochemical poetential▼amolecular junction▼arectifier▼acoordination number-
dc.subject밀도 범함수 이론▼a비평형 그린함수▼a다공간 밀도 범함수▼a분자소자▼aquasi-fermi level▼a전기화학포텐셜▼a다이오드▼a배위수-
dc.titleFirst-principles study of the effects of the electrode-molecule contact configurations on the molecule diode device characteristics-
dc.title.alternative전극-분자 접합 구조의 분자 다이오드 소자 특성 영향에 대한 제 1 원리 연구-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :전기및전자공학부,-
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