Meta Variance Transfer: Learning to Augment from The Others

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Humans have the ability to robustly recognize objects with various factors of variations such as nonrigid transformations, background noises, and changes in lighting conditions. However, training deep learning models generally require huge amount of data instances under diverse variations, to ensure its robustness. To alleviate the need of collecting large amount of data and better learn to generalize with scarce data instances, we propose a novel meta-learning method which learns to transfer factors of variations from one class to another, such that it can improve the classification performance on unseen examples. Transferred variations generate virtual samples that augment the feature space of the target class during training, simulating upcoming query samples with similar variations. By sharing the factors of variations across different classes, the model becomes more robust to variations in the unseen examples and tasks using small number of examples per class. We validate our model on multiple benchmark datasets for few-shot classification and face recognition, on which our model significantly improves the performance of the base model, outperforming relevant baselines.
Issue Date

37th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2020, pp.7466 - 7476

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AI-Conference Papers(학술대회논문)
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