WIKA: A Projected Augmented Reality Workbench for Interactive Kinetic Art

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Iterative artistic exploration, mechanism building, and interaction programming are essential processes of prototyping interactive kinetic art (IKA). However, scattered tools and interwoven workflows across digital and physical worlds make the task difficult. We present WIKA, an integrated environment supporting the whole creation process of IKA in the form of a layered picture frame in a single workspace. A projected AR system with a mobile device efficiently makes an interactive tabletop. The projected information connected with physical components (e.g. sensors and motors) enables the programming and simulation on the workspace. Physical components are applied from the initial phase of prototyping using an AR plate, and this supports the iterative trial-and-error process by bridging the workflow. A user study shows that WIKA enabled non-experts to create diverse IKA with their ideas. A tangible interaction and projected information enable the iterative and rapid creation. The method that integrates the hardware and software in the physical environment can be applied to other prototyping tools that support the creation of interactive and kinetic elements.
ACM special interest groups on computer-human interaction (SIGCHI) and computer graphics (SIGGRAPH)
Issue Date

The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), pp.999 - 1009

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ID-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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