Apparatus and method for training a learning system to detect event이벤트 검출을 위한 학습형 시스템 트레이닝장치 및 그 방법

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The present disclosure relates to apparatus and method for training a learning system to detect event. The present disclosure provides apparatus and method for training a learning system that includes an event related keyword collecting unit that collects an event related keyword inputted by a user, a related keyword collecting unit that collects at least one related keyword from a word database by transmitting an event related keyword to the word database, an event related image collecting unit that collects at least one event related image that is related to a search formula from an image database by transmitting the search formula to the image database, and a training unit that trains a learning system by communicating with the learning system with a use of an event related image as training data. In consequence, it is capable of setting a specific event to be detected by an apparatus for training a learning system by a user after a system is installed, and it is possible to train a learning system sustainably and sufficiently regarding a specific event and achieve a high accuracy of training the learning system.
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