Development of a computer-aided tool for high-throughput analysis and evaluation of low-TRL microalgal systems for process synthesis기초 연구단계에서 미세조류공정 설계를 위한 컴퓨터 기반의 분석 및 평가 도구 개발

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Microalgae has come into limelight as a platform for renewable biofuels and chemical feedstock production due to its high growth rate, productivity, and its flexibility through metabolic engineering. However, despite these inherent advantages as a renewable feedstock, processes utilizing microalgal biomass are at an early stage in development, otherwise described as being at a low technology readiness level (TRL). Current research focus is remains in the upstream- in the development of high throughput microalgal strains and low cost cultivation methods. Consequently, there is an ever widening technology portfolio that must be systematically evaluated and screened in order to identify promising microalgal processes for R&D intensification, otherwise defined as evaluation-based process synthesis. This research aims to address this problem through the development of a software tool, TIPEM (Tool for Integrated Process Evaluation of Microalgal Systems), which serves as a computational platform for evaluation-based process synthesis for microalgal systems. This was done through the development of a systematic evaluation methodology which includes the selection of performance indicators. A superstructure network is used to represent the possible process pathways. The process step/interval network model for the superstructure framework was modified from Quaglia et al. A unified inventory database for a simultaneous techno-economic and environmental impact assessment was formulated as part of the evaluation framework. Lastly, the tool integrates uncertainty analysis in the form of Monte Carlo simulations to address the high uncertainties of early stage processes resulting from a weak knowledgebase and having to rely on first principle estimates and preliminary experimental data. Thus the intended goal of the developed software is to serve as a tool for both academia and industry for microalgal process synthesis and guide future development in the form of larger scale process experiments and R&D intensification.
Lee, Jay Hyungresearcher이재형researcher
한국과학기술원 :생명화학공학과,
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학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 생명화학공학과, 2019.2,[vii, 86 p. :]


Microalgae biomass▼acomputer-aided tool▼atechonology readiness level▼aprocess synthesis▼atechnoeconomic analysis▼a$CO_2$ life cycle analysis▼auncertainty analysis; 미세조류 바이오메스▼a컴퓨터 기반 도구▼a기술준비수준▼a공정합성▼a기술경제성분석▼a이산화탄소 전과정평가▼a불확실성

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