(An) expert-expert gap : a study of nuclear experts' perceptions on nuclear decommissioning of Kori-1 in South Korea한국 원자력 전문가 집단의 인식 차이 연구 : 고리원전 1호기 해체 사례를 중심으로

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This thesis examines the differences of nuclear experts’ perceptions on the Kori-1 Nuclear Power Plant decommissioning in the Republic of Korea (henceforth referred to as South Korea). As Kori-1 is the first case of the decommissioning of a commercial nuclear reactor in South Korea, many factors and features of decommissioning Kori-1 remain highly uncertain. This poses enormous policy challenges not only for the decommissioning itself but, more broadly, for the nation’s nuclear phase-out policy. To decommission a plant safely and cost-effectively, it is essential to understand the perceptions of the nuclear decommissioning experts. The nuclear experts have several roles: as agents who are responsible for executing the government’s plan for nuclear power; and as stakeholders who have specific interests for his or her organization. As the agents and stakeholders, the experts can have a significant impact on the implementation and process of decommissioning. To investigate the perceptions of the experts―operators, regulators, and researchers who have been working for the Kori-1 decommissioning―have been interviewed. Results of these analyses have shown that the nuclear decommissioning experts have heterogeneous perceptions among themselves as well as different views from government and the public. The experts tended to mention that they would implement the government’s decisions. However, they did not always agree with every part of the decisions. Even if the expert agreed, their perception of the decision and the way it was understood was varied. In addition, it was remarkable to see how the experts have very distinct views on specific topics that are necessary in the implementation of the decommissioning, such as developing technologies and regulations. Their views seemed to be shaped primarily by their institutional interests and their specific roles in the decommissioning. This study is complementary to the existing discourses on nuclear power issues that have highlighted the participation of the public, with a closer look at the perceptions and opinions of the nuclear experts who generally form the mainstream voice in nuclear decision-making in South Korea. This thesis will help in the creation and direction setting of government policies through an analysis and record of the diverse range of perspectives and concerns of the nuclear experts in South Korea.
Kim, So Youngresearcher김소영researcher
한국과학기술원 :과학기술정책대학원,
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학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 과학기술정책대학원, 2018.2,[iii, 43 p. :]


Expert▼aNuclear decommissioning▼aPerception▼aNuclear energy▼aUncertainty▼aKori nuclear power plant; 전문가▼a원전 해체▼a인식▼a원자력▼a불확실성▼a고리원전

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