Template-based 2D and 3D image watermarking techniques using rule and learning approaches규칙 및 학습 방법을 사용한 템플릿 기반의 2D 및 3D 영상 워터마킹 기술

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dc.contributor.advisorLee, Heung-Kyu-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Wook-Hyung-
dc.description학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 정보보호대학원, 2018.8,[v, 76 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractThe watermark synchronization problem caused by geometric distortion is considered to be the most difficult problem to solve. Recently, new types of distortions are occurring due to various types of content such as 3D content and various content distribution method. New watermarking techniques have been proposed to cope with these new type of distortions. However, the newly proposed watermarking techniques can not avoid synchronization problems caused by geometric distortion. To solve this problem, this dissertation proposes template-based watermarking techniques to protect various types of contents. A rule-based template watermarking method for 2D image which overcomes the problems of invisibility and robustness against geometric distortion of existing 2D image watermarking methods and a rule-based template watermarking for depth-image-based rendering (DIBR) 3D image which complements vulnerabilities of geometric distortion of existing DIBR 3D image watermarking methods are proposed. We also proposed a learning-based template architecture to avoid the disadvantages of existing rule-based methods that require new rules to be designed whenever a new distortion occurs. Experimental results show that the proposed rule-based watermarking techniques outperform the existing techniques and show that the proposed learning-based template can be applied not only to 2D but also to 3D DIBR contents through learning. These results show that learning-based template can quickly cope with copyright infringement in new types of contents.-
dc.subjectContent copyright protection▼adigital watermark▼adepth-image-based rendering (DIBR) watermark▼atemplate watermark▼adeep-learning watermark-
dc.subject콘텐츠 저작권 보호▼a디지털 워터마크▼a깊이 영상 기반의 렌더링 (Depth-image-based rendering) 워터마크▼a템플릿 워터마크▼a딥러닝 워터마크-
dc.titleTemplate-based 2D and 3D image watermarking techniques using rule and learning approaches-
dc.title.alternative규칙 및 학습 방법을 사용한 템플릿 기반의 2D 및 3D 영상 워터마킹 기술-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :정보보호대학원,-
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