Financial development, economic growth, and threshold effects : (an) empirical analysis of convergence in the West African economic and monetary union (WAEMU)금융 발전과 경제 성장 그리고 임계 효과 : 서아프리카 경제 통화 연합의 내부 통합에 관한 경험적 분석

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dc.contributor.advisorKang, Jang Koo-
dc.contributor.authorGBA, TEAN JEAN-MICHEL-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 금융MBA, 2017.8,[44 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractIn this thesis, the relationship between financial development and economic growth is analyzed empirically using a Vector Auto Regressive model (VAR) and a Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) on dynamic panel data. This work is based on West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) countries over the period 1980-2014. The study analyzes the causality of the relationship between the development of the financial sector and economic development of each country and tests the convergence and threshold effects within the region. The first finding of this thesis is that the causality patterns vary across countries and depend on the financial indicator used. Secondly, the very low development level of the financial industry in some countries explains their difficulty to converge toward the world leading economy or world technology frontier (USA). When the level of financial development increases, its impact on long-term GDP vanishes and can be harmful. Finally, it is proved that finance is critical in the convergence process of countries in the WAEMU region.-
dc.subjectwest african economic and monetary union▼avar analysis▼ageneralized method of moments▼athreshold effects▼aConvergence▼aFinance▼aEconomic Growth-
dc.subject서아프리카 경제 통화 연합(WAEMU)▼aVAR 분석▼aGeneralized Method of Moments (GMM)▼a임계효과▼a통합▼a금융▼a경제성장-
dc.titleFinancial development, economic growth, and threshold effects-
dc.title.alternative금융 발전과 경제 성장 그리고 임계 효과 : 서아프리카 경제 통화 연합의 내부 통합에 관한 경험적 분석-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :금융MBA,-
dc.title.subtitle(an) empirical analysis of convergence in the West African economic and monetary union (WAEMU)-
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