Investigation of functional Notch signal sending cells in developing mouse retina생쥐 망막에서 Notch 신호전달 유발 세포에 관한 연구

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dc.contributor.advisorKim, Jin Woo-
dc.contributor.authorHa, Taejeong-
dc.description학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 생명과학과, 2017.8,[viii, 155 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractThe vertebrate neural cell development is coordinated process of neural stem cell (NSC) and finally produce mature layer and structure through diverse specification and differentiation. To preserve vertebrate neural progenitor cell (NPC), Notch signaling in neural progenitor cells is activated by ligands expressed in adjacent cells. During retinal development, retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) generate seven major cell types, two types of photoreceptors (Rod cells, Cone cells), interneurons (bipolar cells, horizontal cells, astrocytes), and M$\ddot{u}$ller glia, in chronological sequence. To identify sources of functionally active Notch ligands for RPCs, I negatively regulated Notch ligand activities through the specific elimination of an ubiquitin E3-ligase Mindbomb1 (Mib1) in RPCs, post-mitotic retinal neurons (PMNs), and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), respectively. The Mib1-deficient RPCs failed to induce Notch activation in intra-lineage RPCs, which prematurely differentiated into retinal neurons. However, the Mib1-deficient PMNs shows no significant difference between wild-type which means Notch signaling between PMNs and RPCs is dispensable. Lastly, I found that Mib1 in RPE was crucial for Notch activation in RPC. I discover a novel function of embryonic RPE that expresses Notch ligands at the apical membrane that contact with RPC apical membrane to trigger Notch activation in a future RPC. To confirm this, we conducted rescue experiments using LSL-Dll1 (loxP-Stop-loxP) line which expresses Dll1 (one of Notch ligand in RPE) under Cre expression. As a result, Mib1-deficient RPE with ectopic expression of Dll1 rescues the abnormal retinal development phenotypes which showed in Mib1-deficient RPE mice. Together, I propose a model that a RPC daughter receives additional Notch signals from RPE to acquire RPC fate competitively while the other sister cell only receives a sub-threshold inter-RPC Notch signaling to differentiate to retinal neuron.-
dc.subjectNotch signaling▼aMind Bomb1 (Mib1)▼aretinal pigment epithelium (RPE)▼aretinal progenitor cell (RPC)▼aretinogenesis-
dc.subject망막상피세포▼a망막전구세포▼a망막발생▼a신경발생▼aNotch 신호전달체계-
dc.titleInvestigation of functional Notch signal sending cells in developing mouse retina-
dc.title.alternative생쥐 망막에서 Notch 신호전달 유발 세포에 관한 연구-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :생명과학과,-
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