Static and Dynamic Permeability Assay for Hydrophilic Small Molecules Using a Planar Droplet Interface Bilayer

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Because numerous drugs are administered through an oral route and primarily absorbed at the intestine, the prediction of drug permeability across an intestinal epithelial cell membrane has been a crucial issue in drug discovery. Thus, various in vitro permeability assays have been developed such as the Caco-2 assay, the parallel artificial membrane permeability assay (PAMPA), the phospholipid vesicle-based permeation assays (PUPA) and Permeapad. However, because of the time-consuming and quite expensive process for culturing cells in the Caco-2 assay and the unknown microscopic membrane structures of the other assays, a simpler yet more accurate and versatile technique is still required. Accordingly, we developed a new platform to measure the permeability of small molecules across a planar freestanding lipid bilayer with a well-defined area and structure. The lipid bilayer was constructed within a conventional UV spectrometer cell, and the transport of drug molecules across the bilayer was recorded by UV absorbance over time. We then computed the permeability from the time-dependent diffusion equation. We tested this assay for five exemplary hydrophilic drugs and compared their values with previously reported ones. We found that our assay has a much higher permeability compared to the other techniques, and this higher permeability is related to the thickness of the lipid bilayer. Also we were able to measure the dynamic permeability upon the addition of a membrane disrupting surfactant demonstrating that our assay has the capability to detect real-time changes in permeability across the lipid bilayer.
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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v.90, no.3, pp.1660 - 1667

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CBE-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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