Model Regularization of Deep Neural Networks for Robust Clinical Opinion Generation from General Blood Test Results

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The deep neural network (DNN) that models characteristics of general blood test (GBT) results was used in clinical opinions generation. The DNN that generates clinical opinions has the complex structure, which causes overfitting problem. The relatively small size of medical dataset also contributes to the occurrence of overfitting. In order to deal with overfitting, we apply two techniques that solve overfitting of DNN, which are dropout, and batch normalization. Dropout is inserted into the network in various ways in order to find out the optimal structure of the network. Batch normalization is also added in various ways for the same purpose. The experiment conducted on GBT dataset shows that DNNs with dropout and batch normalization outperform the simple DNN in generating clinical opinions for our GBT dataset. Besides, dropout shows slightly better performance compared to batch normalization.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Issue Date

2nd Int’l Workshop on Spatial/Temporal Information Extraction from Unstructured Texts (WSTIE 2017), Workshop on 18th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, MDM 2017, pp.386 - 391

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CS-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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