팬형분무의 주변조건에 따른 입자분포 변화The Droplet Size Distribution of Fan Spray at Different Surrounding Conditions

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In this study, the droplet size distribution of a slit injector at different surrounding conditions, such as air flow and fuel temperature, were investigated. Phase Doppler anemometry (PDA) was utilized to investigate the initial droplet size distribution and the effect of fuel temperature and air flow on droplet size distribution. The entrained air motion was also evaluated by the temporal velocity profile of droplets. When the air flow velocity increased, the small droplets were more entrained to the upper and central parts of the spray and this tendency was confirmed by plotting the temporal velocity profile of droplets. This entrainment of small droplets at high airflow velocities caused relatively small mean droplet size at upper and central parts of the spray and the large mean droplet size at downstream and edge of the spray, compared to that of low airflow velocities. The total mean droplet size, obtained by averaging the size of all droplets measured at all test locations, decreased when the high airflow velocities were applied. The increased fuel temperature, with an airflow velocity of 10m/s, caused reduced droplet size at all test locations. However, the decreased value of mean droplet size at high fuel temperatures was relatively higher at upper parts of the spray, compared to downstream, as a result of enhanced entrainment of small droplets to upper parts of the spray.
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대한기계학회논문집 B, v.31, no.7, pp.611 - 619

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ME-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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