Possibilities and limitations of online document tools for design collaboration: The case of Google Docs

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Online document collaboration tools, such as Google Docs, offer designers different ways of communicating and working collaboratively compared to face-to-face interaction. In this paper, we attempt to explore the possibilities and limitations of using an online document collaboration tool for design problem-solving activities. A design workshop study was conducted to compare using Google Docs during a design task to face-to-face collaboration. As a result, we found different influences of exploiting an online document collaboration tool and face-to-face interaction on the design process, and identified the properties that afford different characteristics of design problem-solving activity. Based on these findings, we discuss the implications of using an online document collaboration tool and face-to-face interaction for collaborative design.
Association for Computing Machinery
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2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, CSCW 2017, pp.1096 - 1108

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ID-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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