Laplacian Patch-Based Image Synthesis

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Patch-based image synthesis has been enriched with global optimization on the image pyramid. Successively, the gradient-based synthesis has improved structural coherence and details. However, the gradient operator is directional and inconsistent and requires computing multiple operators. It also introduces a significantly heavy computational burden to solve the Poisson equation that often accompanies artifacts in non-integrable gradient fields. In this paper, we propose a patch-based synthesis using a Laplacian pyramid to improve searching correspondence with enhanced awareness of edge structures. Contrary to the gradient operators, the Laplacian pyramid has the advantage of being isotropic in detecting changes to provide more consistent performance in decomposing the base structure and the detailed localization. Furthermore, it does not require heavy computation as it employs approximation by the differences of Gaussians. We examine the potentials of the Laplacian pyramid for enhanced edge-aware correspondence search. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the Laplacian-based approach over the state-of-the-art patchbased image synthesis methods.
IEEE Computer Society and the Computer Vision Foundation (CVF)
Issue Date

IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (IEEE CVPR) 2016, pp.2727 - 2735

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CS-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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