Utilizing plasmonic opto-electrical effect toward high performance organic solar cells

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dc.contributor.authorLee, Jung Yong-
dc.identifier.citationIMID 2015-
dc.description.abstractWhile many studies have found that the power conversion efficiency of OSCs is improved by inserting metal nanoparticles into the OSCs, little has been reported on the use of size- and shape-controlled metal nanoparticles for fine-tuning the optical properties. Here, we investigate the dependence of silver nanoparticles�� size and shape, at various concentrations, on the power conversion efficiency of OSCs[1]. Also, we propose a metal-metal core-shell nanocube (NC) as an advanced plasmonic material for highly efficient organic solar cells (OSCs). We covered an Au core with a thin Ag shell as a scattering enhancer to build Au@Ag NCs, showing stronger scattering efficiency than Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) throughout the visible range. Highly efficient plasmonic organic solar cells were fabricated by embedding Au@Ag NCs into an anodic buffer layer, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS)[2, 3]. ? [1] S. Baek et al. ��Plasmonic Forward Scattering Effect in Organic Solar Cells: A Powerful Optical Engineering Method��, Scientific Reports, 3, 1726 (2013) [2] S. Baek et al. ��Au@Ag Core-Shell Nanocubes for Efficient Plasmonic Light Scattering Effect in Low Bandgap Organic Solar Cells��, ACS Nano, 8, 4, 3302 (2014) [3] S. Jeong et al. ��Nanoimprinting-induced nanomorphological transition in polymer solar cells: enhanced electrical and optical performance��, ACS Nano (2015)-
dc.publisherIMID 2015-
dc.titleUtilizing plasmonic opto-electrical effect toward high performance organic solar cells-
dc.citation.publicationnameIMID 2015-
dc.identifier.conferencelocation대구 EXCO-
dc.contributor.localauthorLee, Jung Yong-
Appears in Collection
EEW-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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