Browse "School of Electrical Engineering(전기및전자공학부)" by Author Na, T.

Showing results 5 to 6 of 6

Low complexity inter-layer residual coding and efficient mode decision for spatial and temporal scalable video coding

Lee, B.; Na, T.; Kim, MunChurl; Hahm, S.; Park, C.; Cho, I., Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXI , v.7073, 2008-08-11

Low complexity inter-layer residual coding and efficient mode decision for spatial and temporal scalable video coding

Lee, B.; Na, T.; Kim, MunChurl; Hahm, S.; Park, C.; Cho, I., PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE - THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, v.7073, no.0, pp.0 - 0, 2008



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