Browse "School of Electrical Engineering(전기및전자공학부)" by Author Chung, Yun Chur

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LEE, JS; Chung, Yun Chur; SHIM, CS, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v.6, no.10, pp.1197 - 1199, 1994-10

Bi-directional multi-purpose fiber optic access network for independent operation of wired and wireless services

Chung, Yun Chur; Han, KH; Kim, H, OECC, 2002

Bi-directional passive optical network for CDMA personal communication service

Kim, Hoon; Chung, Yun Chur, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, v.35, no.4, pp.316 - 318, 1999-02

Bi-directional WDM passive optical network using spectrum-sliced light-emitting diodes

Han, K.H.; Son, E.S.; Lim, K.W.; Choi, H.Y.; Jung, S.P.; Chung, Yun Chur, Optical Fiber Communucation Conference (OFC) Postconference Digest, 2004, pp.295 - 297, 2004-02-23

Bidirectional Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier using Synchronized Etalon Filters for Bidirectional WDM Transmission System

Lee, Chang-Hee; Chung, Yun Chur; Kim, CH, Optoelectronics and Optical Communications Conference, OECC 1998, pp.16A1-4 - 16A1-4, 1998

Bidirectional passive optical network for CDMA personal communiation service

Chung, Yun Chur; Kim, H, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 1999, 1999

Bidirectional passive optical network for the transmission of WDM channels with digital broadcast video signals

Son, E.S.; Han, K.H.; Kim, J.K.; Chung, Yun Chur, Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit, v.70, pp.767 - 768, 2002-03-17

Bidirectional subcarrier-multiplexed self healing ring network for CDMA personal communication service

Chung, Yun Chur; Kim, H, Opto Electronics and Communications Conference, 2000, 2000

Bidirectional subcarrier-multiplexed self-healing ring network for CDMA personal communication service

Kim, Hoon; Chung, Yun Chur, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, v.35, no.25, pp.2215 - 2216, 1999-12

Bidirectional subcarrier-multiplexed transmission system using unisolated optical sources

Chung, Yun Chur; Kim, H, APCC/OECC '99, pp.442 - 444, 1999

Bidirectional subcarrier-multiplexed transmission system using unisolated optical sources

Kim, Hoon; Chung, Yun Chur, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v.11, no.11, pp.1488 - 1490, 1999-11

Bidirectional WDM passive optical network for simultaneous transmission of data and digital broadcast video service

Son, ES; Han, KH; Kim, JK; Chung, Yun Chur, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, v.21, pp.1723 - 1727, 2003-08

Bidirectional WDM passive optical network using spectrum-sliced light-emitting diodes

Chung, Yun Chur; Han, KH; Son, ES; Lim, KW; Choi, HY; Jung, SP, OFC 2004, 2004

Bidirectional WDM PON using light-emitting diodes spectrum-sliced with cyclic arrayed-waveguide grating

Han, KH; Son, ES; Choi, HY; Lim, KW; Chung, Yun Chur, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v.16, pp.2380 - 2382, 2004-10

Bidirectional WDM Self-Healing Ring Network Based on Simple Bidirectional Add/Drop Amplifier Modules

Kim, C.H.; Lee, Chang-Hee; Chung, Yun Chur, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OFC 1999, pp.TuL6 - TuL6, 1999-02

Bidirectional WDM self-healing ring network based on simple bidirectional Add/Drop amplifier modules

Kim, CH; Lee, CH; Chung, Yun Chur, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v.10, no.9, pp.1340 - 1342, 1998-09

Blind Compensation of Nonlinear Waveform Distortions in Radio-over-Fiber System

Kim, Byung Gon; Bae, Sung Hyun; Kim, Hoon; Chung, Yun Chur, Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2018, IEEE, 2018-03-13

Blind compensation technique for nonlinear distortions in RoF-based mobile fronthaul network by using EML

Kim, Byung Gon; Bae, Sung Hyun; Chung, Yun Chur, OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY, v.47, pp.51 - 54, 2019-01

Broadband IF-Over-Fiber Transmission With Parallel IM/PM Transmitter Overcoming Dispersion-Induced RF Power Fading for High-Capacity Mobile Fronthaul Links

Ishimura, Shota; Kim, Byung Gon; Tanaka, Kazuki; Nishimura, Kosuke; Kim, Hoon; Chung, Yun Chur; Suzuki, Masatoshi, IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL, v.10, no.1, 2018-02

Burst-mode optical receiver with two preamplifiers having different bandwidths

Park, JW; Chung, Yun Chur; Lee, Chang-Hee, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, v.34, no.22, pp.2146 - 2148, 1998-10

Capacity analysis of all-optical transport networks based on the node throughput

Lee, Chang-Hee; Chung, Yun Chur; Kim, HD, Optoelectronics and Optical Communications Conference (OECC), pp.14P-6 - 14P-6, 1998

Challenges toward practical WDM PON (Invited)

Chung, Yun Chur, OECC 2006, 2006

Chromatic dispersion monitoring technique based on chirped pilot tones

Park, PKJ; Jun, SB; Chung, Yun Chur, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, v.266, pp.280 - 283, 2006-10

Chromatic dispersion monitoring technique in WDM network

Park, K.J.; Youn, C.J.; Lee, J.H.; Chung, Yun Chur, Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit, v.70, pp.735 - 737, 2002-03-17

Chromatic Dispersion Monitoring Technique Using Pilot Tone Carried by Broadband Light Source

Choi, HY; Park, PKJ; Chung, Yun Chur, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v.21, pp.578 - 580, 2009-05

Chromatic dispersion tolerance of 10-Gb/s WDM PON implemented by using bandwidth-limited RSOAs

Cho, K.Y.; Agata, A.; Takushima, Y.; Chung, Yun Chur, 2009 14th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, OECC 2009, 123, 2009-07-13

Coherent technology for access networks (invited paper)

Chung, Yun Chur, OECC 2010, OECC 2010, 2010

Communication recovering system for wavelength division multiplexed passive optical network

Chung, Yun Chur; Han, Kwan Hee; Son, Eui Seung; Lim, Kyung Woo, 2009-07-07

Compensation of mode coupling in MDM transmission system using digital optical phase conjugation

Bae, Sung Hyun; Jung, Youngho; Kim, Byung Gon; Chang, Jun Ho; Kim, Hoon; Chung, Yun Chur, Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2018, Optical Society of America, 2018-03-15

Compensation of Mode Crosstalk in MDM System Using Digital Optical Phase Conjugation

Bae, Sung Hyun; Jun, Youngho; Kim, Byung Gon; Chung, Yun Chur, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v.31, no.10, pp.739 - 742, 2019-05

Cost-effective optical transmitter for next-generation mobile fronthaul networks

Kim, Byung Gon; Chung, Yun Chur; Kim, Hoon, OptoElectronics and Communication Conference, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 2016-07-04

Cost-effective optical transmitters for next-generation mobile fronthaul networks

Kim, Byung Gon; Kim, Hoon; Chung, Yun Chur, Optoelectronics and Communications Conference 2016, IEICE, 2016-07-04

Cost-effective radio-over-fiber systems employing phase-modulated downlink and intensity-modulated uplink

Chung, Yun Chur; Ji, HC; Kim, H, OFC 2009, 2009

Cross-phase modulation in short-period dispersion managed fiber

Chen, J; Kim, Hoon; Chung, Yun Chur, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v.13, no.7, pp.663 - 665, 2001-07

Current status of WDM monitoring techniques

Chung, Yun Chur, APOC 2002: Optical Networking II, pp.80 - 81, SPIE, 2002-10-16

Demonstration of 103-Gb/s per subscriber RSOA-based WDM PON using CWDM technique

Cho, KY; Hong, UH; Takushima, Y.; Agata, A; Sano, T.; Suzuki, M.; Chung, Yun Chur, OFC/NFOEC 2012, pp.JTh2A, OSA, IEEE Photonics Society, IEEE ComSoc, 2012-03-08

Demonstration of 11-Gb/s, 20-km reach WDM PON using directly-modulated RSOA with 4-ary PAM signal

Cho, K.Y.; Takushima, Y.; Chung, Yun Chur, 2010 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, Collocated National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, OFC/NFOEC 2010, 2010 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, Collocated National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, OFC/NFOEC 2010, 2010-03-21

Demonstration of 25.78-Gb/s, 20-km reach WDM PON using directly-modulated bandwidth-limited RSOA

Cho K.Y.; Chang J.H.; Choi B.S.; Takushima Y.; Chung, Yun Chur, 2011 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, OFC/NFOEC 2011, 2011 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, OFC/NFOEC 2011, 2011-03-06

Demonstration of 37 nm gain bandwidth from 40 cascaded EDFA system using gain equaliser based on all-fibre acousto-optic tunable filters

Chung, HS; Lee, D; Ahn, SJ; Cho, HK; Chung, Yun Chur, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, v.34, no.21, pp.2045 - 2047, 1998-10

Demonstration of 4-channel MDM system based on digital optical phase conjugation

Bae, Sung Hyun; Kim, Byung Gon; Chung, Yun Chur, 23rd Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Optical Society of Korea, 2018-07-03

Demonstration of 40-Gb/s QPSK Upstream Transmission in Long-Reach RSOA-based Coherent WDM PON using Offset PDM Technique

Shim, Hyun Kyu; Choi, Keun Young; Hong, Ui Hyun; Chung, Yun Chur, OFC/NFOEC 2013, OSA, IEEE Photonics society, 2013-03-20

Demonstration of correlation-based OTDR for in-service monitoring of 64-split TDM PON

Shim, Hyun Kyu; Cho, K. Y.; Takushima, Yuichi; Chung, Yun Chur, OFC/NFOEC 2012 , pp.OTu1H.3 -, OSA, IEEE Photonics Society, IEEE ComSoc, 2012-03-06

Demonstration of fast restorable all-optical WDM network

Chung, Yun Chur; Kim, JK; Ji, HC; Chung, HS; Kim, CH; Shin, SK; Hyun, DH, OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, 2000

Demonstration of fast restorable all-optical WDM network

Kim, Jong Kwon; Ji, Ho Chul; Chung, Hwan Seok; Kim, Chul Han; Shin, Seung Kyun; Hyun, Duck Hwa; Chung, Yun Chur, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, v.E84B, no.5, pp.1119 - 1126, 2001-05

Demonstration of multi-purpose fiber-optic access network (Invited Paper)

Chung, Yun Chur, International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, 2002

Demonstration of optical path monitoring technique using dual tones in all-optical WDM transport network

Chung, Yun Chur; Ji, HC; Park, KJ; Kim, JK; Shin, SK; Jang, MJ, OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, 2000

Demonstration of Reflection-Tolerant RoF-based Mobile Fronthaul Network for 5G Wireless System

Kim, Byung Gon; Bae, Sung Hyun; kim, minsik; Chung, Yun Chur, 45th European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2019, IEEE Photonics Society, 2019-09-23

Demonstration of RSOA-based WDM PON employing self-homodyne receiver with high reflection tolerance

Jung, S.P.; Takushima, Y.; Cho, K.Y.; Park, S.J.; Chung, Yun Chur, 2009 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, OFC 2009, 123, 2009-03-22

Demonstration of RSOA-based WDM PON operating at symmetric rate of 1.25 Gb/s with high reflection tolerance

Cho, K.Y.; Murakami, A.; Lee, Y.J.; Agata, A.; Takushima, Y.; Chung, Yun Chur, OFC/NFOEC 2008 - 2008 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, 2008-02-24

Demonstration of WDM PON based on spectrum-sliced fiber amplifier light source (Postdeadline paper)

Chung, Yun Chur; Jung, DG; Shin, SK; Lee, CH, OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, pp.18 - 19, 1997

Design issues in RSOA-based WDM PON (invited paper)

Chung, Yun Chur; Takushima, Y; Cho, KY, IEEE Photonics Global - ICOCN, 123, 2007-12

Design method for Bi-directionally pumped distributed Raman amplifier

Sim, D.H.; Son, E.S.; Lee, J.H.; Jun, S.B.; Chung, Yun Chur, Optical Transmission, Switching, and Subsystems IV, v.6353 I, 2006-09-05

Design of a LiNbO3 ribbon waveguide for efficient difference-frequency generation of terahertz wave in the collinear configuration

Takushima, Y; Shin, SY; Chung, Yun Chur, OPTICS EXPRESS, v.15, pp.14783 - 14792, 2007-10

Difference-frequency generation of terahertz wave using a LiNbO3 ribbon waveguide in collinear configuration

Takushima, Y.; Shin, S.Y.; Chung, Yun Chur, 2007 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - Pacific Rim, CLEO/PACIFIC RIM, 2007-08-26

Digital non-coherent receivers for advanced modulation formats (invited paper)

Chung, Yun Chur, OSA Optics and Photonics Congress - SPPCOM, OSA Optics and Photonics Congress - SPPCOM, 2010

Directly modulated 10 Gb/s signal transmission over 320 km of negative dispersion fiber for regional metro network

Chung, Yun Chur; Chung, HS; Jang, YG, OECC 2003, 2003

Directly modulated 10-Gb/s signal transmission over 320 km of negative dispersion fiber for regional metro network

Chung, HS; Jang, YG; Chung, Yun Chur, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v.15, pp.1306 - 1308, 2003-09

Directly modulated 2.5 Gb s x 16-channel WDM transmission over 640 km of single-mode fiber using dispersion compensating fiber

Shin, SK; Kim, CH; Chung, Yun Chur, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v.11, no.6, pp.742 - 744, 1999-06

Directly modulated 2.5 Gb/s x 16 channel WDM transmission over 640 km of single mode fiber using dispersion compensating fiber

Chung, Yun Chur; Shin, SK; Kim, CH, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 1999

Directly modulated CWDM/DWDM system using negative dispersion fiber for metro network application

Chung, H.S.; Jang, Y.G.; Chung, Yun Chur, Optical Fiber Communucation Conference (OFC), Postconference Digest, pp.682 - 684, 2004-02-23



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