Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Emoti-pot: The Interaction Design of an Affective Flowerpot Hahn, Minsoo; Park, S; Oh, S, International Conference on Advanced Computer Entertainment Technology 2008, pp.436 - 436, 2008 |
Inverse mapping using FLS and its application to control Ryu, S; Park, Dong-Jo; Oh, S, Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Part 2 (of 5), v.2, pp.1245 - 1249, 1995-10-22 |
Master equation for the Wigner function of normal and superconducting single-electron transistors Oh, S; Park, K; Shin, Mincheol; Lee, S; Lee, EH, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.57, no.4, pp.2368 - 2374, 1998-01 |
On-line self tuning fuzzy controller using intelligent membership function Oh, S; Park, Dong-Jo, Proceedings of the 34th SICE Annual Conference, pp.1317 - 1320, 1995-07-26 |
Self-tuning fuzzy controller with variable universe of discourse Oh, S; Park, Dong-Jo, Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Part 2 (of 5), v.3, pp.2628 - 2632, 1995-10-22 |
Speculative loop-pipelining in binary translation for hardware acceleration Oh, S; Kim, Tag-Gon; Cho, J; Bozorgzadeh, E, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, v.27, pp.409 - 422, 2008-03 |
The Ontology for Multi-Sensory Media Service Hahn, Minsoo; Oh, S, International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, pp.1025 - 1028, 2009 |
Wigner function approach to single-electron tunneling Oh, S; Lyu, JS; Kim, B; Yoo, Hyung Joun; Choi, S, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, v.31, no.1, pp.163 - 167, 1997-07 |