Browse "School of Electrical Engineering(전기및전자공학부)" by Author Oh, M

Showing results 1 to 7 of 7

A New Packet Transmission Scheme Using Minipackets in Wireless Networks

Park, Dong-Jo; Kwon, Y; Oh, M, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, pp.115 - 118, 2004

Blind Iterative LDPC Decoding and Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems

Park, Dong-Jo; Oh, M; Kwon, Y; Park , J, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Spring 2005, pp.514 - 517, 2005

Determination of Fragmentation Size Based on BER Estimation in Wireles LAN

Park, Dong-Jo; Kwon, Y; Oh, M, IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference, pp.1550 - 1553, 2003

Efficient Packet Transmission Scheme Using Minipackets in Wireless Networks

Park, Dong-Jo; Kwon, Y; Oh, M, Joint Conf. on Communications and Information, pp.183 - 186, 2004-04-01

New Channel Estimation Exploiting Weighted Least Square Filtering Based on Reliable Decision-Feedback Symbols for OFDM Systems

Park, Dong-Jo; Park, J; Oh, M, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, pp.1001 - 1004, 2006

Novel Blind Adaptive Equalization in Time-Varying Channels

Park, Dong-Jo; Oh, M; Kwon, Y, IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference, pp.1862 - 1866, 2003

WLAN-Based Human Robot Interaction in Ubiquitous Computing

Park, Dong-Jo; Oh, M; Shin , D, 한국멀티미디어학회, pp.66 - 69, 2005



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