Browse "School of Electrical Engineering(전기및전자공학부)" by Author Doan, JC

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3

A high-voltage scanning electron microscopy system for in situ electromigration testing

Doan, JC; Lee, S; Lee, Seok-Hee; Meier, NE; Bravman, JC; Flinn, PA; Marieb, TN; et al, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, v.71, no.7, pp.2848 - 2854, 2000-07

Stress-induced and electromigration voiding in aluminum interconnects passivated with silicon nitride

Lee, Seok-Hee; Bravman, JC; Doan, JC; Lee, S; Flinn, PA; Marieb, TN, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, v.91, no.6, pp.3653 - 3657, 2002-03

Void nucleation on intentionally added defects in Al interconnects

Doan, JC; Lee, Seok-Hee; Bravman, JC; Flinn, PA; Marieb, TN, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, v.75, no.5, pp.633 - 635, 1999-08



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