Browse "School of Electrical Engineering(전기및전자공학부)" by Author Ajay Joshi

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2

Accelerating Finite Field Arithmetic for Homomorphic Encryption on GPUs

Neal Livesay; Jonatan, Gilbert; Evelio Mora; Kaustubh Shivdikar; Rashmi Agrawal; Ajay Joshi; Jose L. Abellan; et al, IEEE MICRO, v.43, no.5, pp.55 - 63, 2023-09

Profiling DNN Workloads on a Volta-based DGX-1 System

Saiful A. Mojumder; Marcia S Louis; Yifan Sun; Amir Kavyan Ziabari; Jose L. Abellan; Kim, John Dongjun; Kaeli, David; et al, 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization(IISWC), pp.122 - 133, IEEE, 2018-10-02



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