Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
A prediction packetizing scheme for reducing channel traffic in transaction-level hardware/software co-emulation Lee, J.-G.; Chung, M.-K.; Ahn, K.-Y.; Lee, S.-H.; Kyung, Chong-Min, Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE '05, pp.384 - 389, DATE '05, 2005-03-07 |
Automatic generation of software/hardware co-emulation interface for transaction-level communication Kim, Y.-I.; Ahn, K.-Y.; Shim, H.; Yang, W.; Kwon, Y.-S.; Ki, A.; Kyung, Chong-Min, 2005 IEEE VLSI-TSA International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test,(VLSI-TSA-DAT), v.2005, pp.196 - 199, 2005-04-27 |
Implementation of a flexible development platform for simultaneous support of software and hardware development flow Ahn, K.-Y.; Kim, S.; Kim, J.-M.; Kyung, Chong-Min, ASICON 2005: 2005 6th International Conference on ASIC, v.2, pp.886 - 889, 2005-10-24 |
Predictive synchronization scheme between simulator and accelerator free from performance deterioration Lee, J.-G.; Ahn, K.-Y.; Kyung, Chong-Min, 2005 International Symposium on System-on-Chip, v.2005, pp.100 - 103, 2005-11-15 |