Browse "School of Electrical Engineering(전기및전자공학부)" by Author Ahn, Il Jun

Showing results 1 to 11 of 11

An Effective Post-Filtering Framework for 3-D PET Image Denoising Based on Noise and Sensitivity Characteristics

Kim, Ji Hye; Ahn, Il Jun; Nam, Woo Hyun; Ra, Jong-Beom, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, v.62, no.1, pp.137 - 147, 2015-02

Block matching based denoising framework considering the noise characteristics in reconstructed PET images

Kim, Ji Hye; Nam, Woo Hyun; Choi, Kyuha; Ahn, Il Jun; Ra, Jong Beom, International symposium on biomedical imaging, IEEE, 2013-04-09

LOR-based reconstruction for super-resolved 3D PET image

Ahn, Il Jun; Kim, Ji Hye; Nam, Woo Hyun; Chang, Yongjin; Ra, Jong Beom, Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, IEEE, 2013-11-01

LOR-Based Reconstruction for Super-Resolved 3D PET Image on GPU

Ahn, Il Jun; Kim, Ji Hye; Chang, Yongjin; Jeong, Kye Young; Ra, Jong Beom, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, v.62, no.3, pp.859 - 868, 2015-06

LOR-based reconstruction for super-resolved 3D PET Images = 초고해상도 3차원 PET 영상을 위한 LOR 기반 재구성 기법link

Ahn, Il Jun; 안일준; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2016

Motion-Compensated 4D PET-CT-MR Image Generation for Respiratory-Synchronized Multi-Modal Image Display

Nam, Woo Hyun; Kim, Ji Hye; Ahn, Il Jun; Chang, Yongjin; Ra, Jong Beom, Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, IEEE, 2013-11-01

Motion-compensated PET image reconstruction with respiratory-matched attenuation correction using two low-dose inhale and exhale CT images

Nam, Woo Hyun; Ahn, Il Jun; Kim, Kyeong Min; Kim, Byung Il; Ra, Jong Beom, PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, v.58, no.20, pp.7355 - 7374, 2013-10

Post-filtering of PET Image Based on Noise Characteristic and Spatial Sensitivity Distribution

Kim, Ji Hye; Ahn, Il Jun; Nam, Woo Hyun; Chang, Yongjin; Ra, Jong Beom, Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, IEEE, 2013-11-01

Region-based non-rigid registration framework for human body images

Nam, Woo-Hyun; Ahn, Il Jun; Bae, Yoonsung; Kim, Ji Hye; Ra, Jong-Beom, International Forum on Medical imaging in Asia, International Forum on Medical imaging in Asia, 2012-11-17

Super-resolution reconstruction of 3D PET images using two respiratory-phase low-dose CT images

Ahn, Il Jun; Kim, Ji Hye; Chang, Yongjin; Nam, Woo-Hyun; Ra, Jong Beom, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RADIATION AND PLASMA MEDICAL SCIENCES, v.1, no.1, pp.46 - 55, 2017-01

Super-resolved PET image reconstruction with phase-matched attenuation correction using two respiratory-phase low-dose CT images

Ahn, Il Jun; Kim, Ji Hye; Chang, Yongjin; Ra, Jong-Beom, Society of nuclear medicine 2014, The journal of nuclear medicine, 2014-06-10



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