발사체 이륙 시 음향 하중 예측 정확도 향상Improved prediction of lift-off acoustic loads for a launch vehicle

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This paper is concerned with the prediction of lift-off acoustic loads for a launch vehicle. Intense acoustic load is generated when a launch vehicle is lifted off, and it can induce vibrations of a launch vehicle which cause damage or malfunction of a launch vehicle and a satellite. Lift-off acoustic loads of NARO are predicted by the modified Eldred’s second method and the result is compared with the measured data in flight test. The prediction shows similar peak and shape of spectrum to the test data, but some discrepancy can be observed due to the predicted margin. In order to reduce such discrepancy, the sound pressure levels with four source distribution assumptions are calculated. Also, the surface diffraction effects are considered in the predict ion of lift-off acoustic loads, and the predicted result is more similar to the test data.
Issue Date

2014년도 춘계 소음진동 학술대회, pp.207 - 210

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ME-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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