Temporal Synchronization Scheme in Live 3D Video Streaming over IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks

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Although 3D video has become popular, streaming over wireless network faces a number of challenges. Due to frequent frame losses in wireless networks, temporal asynchrony occurs and results in serious visual fatigue for viewers. In order to provide better quality of 3D video, this paper proposes a new scheme called the Temporal Synchronization Scheme (TSS) for live 3D video streaming over wireless networks. TSS delivers video frames for the left and right views in the same frame order with the same transmission priority and compensates for frame damage and loss during the decoding phase. In addition, a new metric called the Stereoscopic Temporal Variation Index (STVI) is proposed to measure the degree of temporal asynchrony in 3D video. Subjective assessments demonstrate that STVI is an objective metric for measuring subjective quality. Moreover, our study shows that the proposed scheme results in better 3D video quality than the conventional method in terms of STVI and MOS.
IEEE Computer Society
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IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks

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CS-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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